Grenz.Wert // Zykluskonzert: "Dream and Reality" // KLANGFORUM WIEN
- 19:30
- Konzerthaus Wien, Mozart-Saal, Vienna, Austria
What is dream, what reality when we speak of music? How real are the dream worlds of Vivier and Kyriakides? And how unreal is Varèse’s objectivity? Is each concert, as the kind of experience par excellence in which time comes to a halt, not in any case always a dream world? A real one, of course.
Edgard Varèse — Ionisation
Johannes Maria Staud — Auf die Stimme der weißen Kreide EA
Claude Vivier — Bouchara
Yannis Kyriakides — dreams of the blind
Juliet Fraser, Soprano
Peter Böhm & Florian Bogner, sound design
Conductor: Bas Wiegers